Venezuela President Maduro has to face his biggest test to negotiate with United StatesPost author:The Advocate PostPost published:July 24, 2024Post category:Geopolitics/Diplomatic news/Legal Updates and LegislationPost comments:3 CommentsNews Desk (more…) Continue ReadingVenezuela President Maduro has to face his biggest test to negotiate with United States
Floods collapse bridge in China: At least 15 deadPost author:The Advocate PostPost published:July 23, 2024Post category:International/Current AffairsPost comments:2 CommentsNews Desk (more…) Continue ReadingFloods collapse bridge in China: At least 15 dead
Chaos erupts in Bangladesh: Students protest “discriminatory” job quotasPost author:The Advocate PostPost published:July 23, 2024Post category:Conflict Zones and Peacekeeping/Human Rights-Gender and EqualityPost comments:1 CommentNews Desk (more…) Continue ReadingChaos erupts in Bangladesh: Students protest “discriminatory” job quotas
International Court Of Justice says: Isreal’s settlement in the occupied Palest-ine is unlawful and should come to an endPost author:The Advocate PostPost published:July 22, 2024Post category:Conflict Zones and Peacekeeping/Legal Updates and LegislationPost comments:4 CommentsNews Desk (more…) Continue ReadingInternational Court Of Justice says: Isreal’s settlement in the occupied Palest-ine is unlawful and should come to an end
Aspen Security Forum: Concerns about Ukraine and Trump Aspen DiscussionsPost author:The Advocate PostPost published:July 22, 2024Post category:Geopolitics/Diplomatic newsPost comments:1 CommentNews Desk (more…) Continue ReadingAspen Security Forum: Concerns about Ukraine and Trump Aspen Discussions
Boat carrying migrants in Haiti catches fire, killing 40 people.Post author:The Advocate PostPost published:July 22, 2024Post category:International/Current AffairsPost comments:2 CommentsNews Desk (more…) Continue ReadingBoat carrying migrants in Haiti catches fire, killing 40 people.
Deadly Polio Virus detected in the sewage waters of GazaPost author:The Advocate PostPost published:July 21, 2024Post category:Health and EnvironmentalPost comments:2 CommentsNews Desk (more…) Continue ReadingDeadly Polio Virus detected in the sewage waters of Gaza
Student protests in Bangladesh violently escalatesPost author:The Advocate PostPost published:July 21, 2024Post category:Conflict Zones and Peacekeeping/Geopolitics/Diplomatic news/Human Rights-Gender and EqualityPost comments:4 CommentsNews Desk (more…) Continue ReadingStudent protests in Bangladesh violently escalates
Beloved American Comedian, Bob Newhart, dies at age 94Post author:The Advocate PostPost published:July 20, 2024Post category:On this Day/World Cultures and SocietyPost comments:0 CommentsNews Desk (more…) Continue ReadingBeloved American Comedian, Bob Newhart, dies at age 94
Rwanda’s President Kagame shatters his Own Election Record with Landslide VictoryPost author:The Advocate PostPost published:July 20, 2024Post category:Geopolitics/Diplomatic news/International/Current AffairsPost comments:2 CommentsNews Desk (more…) Continue ReadingRwanda’s President Kagame shatters his Own Election Record with Landslide Victory